Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Automate Tasks, Increase Productivity

ORBE JFSORBE: Job File Scheduler™ (JFS) is a hosted, fully-functional automation program that minimizes redundant daily tasks and frees the IT department to work on more pressing issues. This integrated management tool enables the scheduling, tracking and reporting of automated tasks such as backups, processing and maintenance.

JFS Handles Symitar System Tasks Including

  • Scheduling of batch jobs
  • Running of batch jobs
  • Scheduling of Windows tasks
  • Scheduling of Microsoft SQL and MySQL tasks
  • FTP files/reports to and from Symitar
  • Supports the following
    • FTP
    • SFTP
    • FTPS
    • Zip / Unizip
    • PGP Encryption and Decryption
    • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Email notification of job completions or errors
  • Dynamic answers to batch prompts allowed
  • Answer this prompt with the next business date
Job File Scheduler Benefits Include
  • Full Symitar Integration
  • Reliability and speed so you save time
  • Flexibility so you can schedule what you want, when you want it
  • Automation allows you to set it and forget it
ORBE Benefits Include

ORBE JFS is an integrated hosted solutions.  When you license ORBE JFS, as part of ORBE Suite, these great relationship building solutions are included FREE:
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Database  - Track contacts phone numbers, address, e-mails, URLs, relationships, account numbers, and more...
  • Customer / Member Portal
  • Optional Client and Customer / Member Forums
  • Office Tracking System (OTS) Lite - Track whose IN/OUT of the office by Departments
  • Individual Task Manager - Track your To-do lists


JFS Features


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